When ensuring the health of your tree, and keeping your tree beautiful and well maintained, it is important that your tree is routinely pruned and unwanted branches are trimmed away. By trimming and pruning your trees, you are helping your tree by providing additional strength needed to fight infection and resist storm damage in the future.
As trees cannot remove unneeded branches on their own, trees can end up with old and deteriorating branches that serve as a breeding ground for infestation, reduces wind filtration, and can even become a fire hazard by becoming tinder for an errant spark.
That is why MIB Tree Service in Roanoke, Virginia, provides tree trimming and tree pruning services that can remove dead or dying branches in order to prevent tree disease and the snapping of branches during a storm.
Should a large branch collapse from your tree during a storm, we offer emergency services to carefully remove the branch from the rest of the tree and off your property safely and efficiently.
Our professional tree trimming experts can trim and prune your trees quickly and thoroughly at an affordable price. Call us today at (540) 293-5850 to receive a free estimate!
Phone: (540) 293-5850
Email: mibtreeservice2141@gmail.com
Address: 2141 Patterson Avenue SW Roanoke, Virginia 24016
Business Hours